0.00  0

Carnosine Younger dietary suplement

protects DNA against oxidation, beneficial effects after 3-4 weeks

Beneficial effects
anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effect
DNA protection
excitatory transmitter in the brain and nerve
memory improvement
positive effect on autistic disorders
prolongs life - anti-aging effect
protecting the brain from plaque formation (the beginnings of Alzheimer's disease)
rapid recovery after sports performance
supports muscle vitality, increases sports performance
universal antioxidant

48.00  including VAT

availability: in stock
90 capsules (1 capsule = 350 mg)
Category: .
Complete purchase
Recommended dosage
1 kapsula 2-krát denne. Zapiť dostatočným množstvom vody.
L-karnozín 175mg, L-karnitín 10mg, koenzým Q10 20mg, vitamín E sukcinát 12mg
Product description
výživový doplnok, 99% čistý L-karnozín
Nie je určený pre deti, tehotné a dojčiace ženy. Prípravok nepoužívať ako náhradu pestrej stravy, neprekračujte doporučené denné dávkovanie bez doporučenia lekára.