Digestive Tract
Already in 1936, carnosine was being used in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers.

In general historical terms, carnosine was being used in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers as early as 1936. Recent studies have confirmed that carnosine very significantly suppresses the formation of erosions and ulcerations in the stomach and duodenum.
- Peptic ulcer disease and non-ulcerative indigestion (dyspepsia) afflict millions of people worldwide. They are the cause of high morbidity and large financial expenditure for diagnosis and treatment. One of the primary causes is Helicobacter pylori infection, which occurs in about 75% of the cases regarding this disease.
- In addition, the infected ones are very likely the carriers of the infection to other people. The second main reason is the use of nonsteroidal antirheumatics (NSAIDs), including aspirin. These drugs inhibit the beneficial activity of the cyclooxygenase enzyme (COX), which is responsible for the maintenance of mucosal integrity in the upper digestive tract and aiding the blood supply to the stomach.
- In spite of the adoption of modern nonsteroidal antirheumatics, particularly against any other form of cyclooxygenase (COX-2 inhibitors), which is mainly in the articular cartilage, these active substance remain a danger, albeit small, for the digestive system – in terms of the increased risk of ulcer complications.