Alzheimer’s disease
Carnosine is a way to prevent and slow down the process of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease of the brain that results in the progressive impairment of memory and cognitive abilities. The disease slowly and relentlessly attacks the nerve cells in all parts of the cerebral cortex, along with their surrounding structures, resulting in the patient’s inability to control emotions, to distinguish mistakes, errors and patterns, coordinate movements and the ability to remember. In the late stages of the disease, the patient completely loses all memory and mental functioning.
Carnosine is a versatile neuroprotectant (a substance protecting nerve cells). Carnosine stops the protein deformation process and “paves” the way to prevention, slowing down the process of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia and mild cognitive impairment.
Oxidative stress and degenerative processes are prevalent in chronic brain disorders, occurring on a large scale in these diseases. Carnosine not only reduces oxidative stress, but also the harmfulness of other consequential or concurrently running processes (glycation, carbonylation AGEs).
Carnosine also acts directly as a neurotransmitter, an anticonvulsant substance, a chelating agent (binding heavy metals). This makes it a universal material for preventing neurologic, psychiatric syndromes and disorders.
Carnosine is an exceptional “chelator” of zinc and copper (and other metals), able to remove these metals from the body. This represents another important function of carnosine in preventing and slowing down the development of Alzheimer’s and other degenerative brain diseases.